Saturday, August 15, 2020

80 days left until the election (#4214)

      Another block of 10 days has been accomplished leaving only 8 blocks left until we find out trump has been dismissed from our politics. He has been working hard to make sure he stays in office but not in a good way. Instead of trying to win our votes to his message, he is trying to stop our votes against him. He will fail of course because he is not smarter than we are and we will find a way around any of his dirty criminal attempts. By trying to stop our votes he is instilling an anger in us that is worse than picking a fight with us. He is blatant in our face trying to tell us we are not worthy of voting our own conscience. Well he will find out that we are capable and he will be the one at the wrong end of it.
     80 days until election day but in 34 days the actual early voting begins in Minnesota and South Dakota. So his strategy to deny our votes is not going to work in that we will get our votes in whether we have to hand deliver them ourselves all across the nation. The early voting opportunities will be taken advantage of because the vast majority of us know that there is nothing in life at the moment that is more important than this coming election. So the flood of early votes will be tremendous because we all know trump will do everything he can to interrupt the later votes coming in. So if we all vote early he will have no luck with stifling our vote.
     He knows the votes are going against him as every poll of any noteworthiness has him behind consistently with we the American electorate. For him to all of a sudden change our minds would require a suspension of reality. That will not happen and he will go down to a resounding defeat as long as we vote early and with great urgency. It was a difficult thing trump has done in uniting we democrats so dramatically but for him it was the worst thing he could have done. We are mighty when united so his consistent harm of we the American middle poor class has drastically backfired on the whole of the republican party. We stand ready to vote early and in solidarity with every democrat on the ballot. The republican party has earned our ire and they will receive it November 3rd, 2020.

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