Sunday, August 23, 2020

72 days left until the election (#4222)

      The blatant ignorance of the typical trump middle poor class voter is unbelievable yet true. I can see the sociopath wealthy voter being all consumed to support trump but the simpleton who has little to nothing supporting trump is mind boggling. The only thing that makes sense about a working middle poor class person supporting trump is trump's rhetoric on nationalism and or his race gender disparagement. The prejudice within them must outweigh the good within them for them to disregard the daily awfulness trump rains down on everyone else. There might be another reason as well. Since most of trumps supporters seem to be those who have little higher education, their attachment to him might be because he has little knowledge as well.
     He did get into some higher education schools with some dubious ability but he shows no real understanding of nuance nor intricacy that would make him appear as an intellectual. I find many times that those who failed to advance on to higher education because it was too hard are finding redemption in trump as he proves to them you don't have to be knowledgeable to act smart. Or at least appear to be smart. He fulfills their secretly held dogma that they are really smarter than the learned. I think this might explain a lot of it since cheating and failing to understand logic are now exemplified in trump. So the unlearned are now the learned and they got to be that way not by applying themselves toward knowledge. How convenient for them.
     Yet when something like Covid-19 comes along they are ill prepared to even know how to begin to arrest and detain it. They like most things in life try to ignore it but it is not like we Americans with our short attention spans. Covid-19 has no other purpose in life than to infect and it is on a tear to do so with the anti-intellectual crowd at the helm. There really is only one way to defeat these slackers who would now consider themselves as special and chosen, and that is at the ballot box. We cannot convert them from their position because it is their life's dream to have gained without earning. So the rest of us must form such a huge gathering of togetherness to put our dearness to intelligence and knowledge above their short cut to power.

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