Monday, August 10, 2020

85 days left until the election (#4209)

      One third of the way through August which is to me the longest month because of not only it's 31 days but it's unrelenting heat here where I live. So being approximately one third way through it is really an achievement in the time of trump. Normally I look forward to August somewhat since it is my birth month but this year I would give all my looking forwards if only to be that much closer to election day. What does appear as fact is that as we get closer to election day trump is finding more ways to interrupt our election as a free and fair one. How anyone at this point could still be a trump backer speaks more about how awful we are as human beings in America.
     Yet he keeps polling in the low 40% which to me should only be about 1% at most. So this is who we are in a nation that was perceived to be a fair and just one. Well that bubble has been burst with the advent of trump and his protectors. I will not prognosticate about anything other than our blue wave waiting to vote because as we all have seen over the last many weeks trump is capable of anything disastrous in hurting too many Americans. Like his fake out on executive orders to promote payments of money that is not established in his powers. Yet he will take money from FEMA, earmarked for disaster relief, and try to use it to as unemployment payments. As we are in hurricane season the gamble that we won't need that disaster relief is a bad one.
     Regardless of whether he can do that the law seems to be that he cannot. Yet the courts will have to decide one way or another and in the meantime 10's of millions of Americans will suffer because of it. These last 85 days before the election are going to be horrible and that is not an embellishment. The trumps are convinced that punishing us is his way to victory in November and his strategy to punish us is now his course, win or lose. So prepare for the punishment as best is possible because the only realistic way of ending the trump regime is to vote him out. I don't expect fate or karma to have a say as to a sudden change so just know this, if you don't vote for every democrat on the ballot you are not helping to end the policies of trump that are designed to malign and hamper the best of who we are.

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