Friday, August 21, 2020

74 days left until the election (#4220)

      So now we are past the democratic convention and it has been hailed as a success. What do we expect from the republicans next week? I know they have some technical people who will get their convention off in the virtual space that democrats did but what will be their message. That all is well and we should return that all is well in November? Well all is not well and so that message won't play very well outside the republican bubble. How about that all could be better if we let them have another 4 years to straighten it out? Well that would not go over well outside their bubble either. How about the Democrats caused this and we need to vote the democrats out! Well that has no chance of working since republicans are in control.
     So I just don't see their message within some rational, albeit mostly propaganda way. They really don't have a message that can deny the 40 million or so who have lost their jobs these last 6 months nor the nearly 180,000 deaths from Covid-19. The inequality of our minorities on their watch cannot be ignored either. So whatever message they do trot out will take some suspension of reality by we the people and that is not going to happen. What may be better than the nightly cult gathering around continual trump rallies for four days is to not have a message at all. Because no matter what they try as a message it will have to be a blatant lie. So just attack we democrats and let the chips fall where they may.
     If trumps past is any indication the four days of the trump convention, because the republican party has ceased to exist, will be nothing more than a flow of the subservient who will lavish their praise on the magnificence (puke) of trump. A four day cult gathering that will not try to convince voters based upon policy rather to warn all of us that if trump is not elected we will all suffer from unspeakable harms. Oh and that god will be angered if he isn't returned to his power trip. For a guy who has no relationship with a god he sure tries to act like he does when it suits him. Which is just another in a long line of character flaws this guy has aplenty.

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