Monday, August 17, 2020

78 days left until the election (#4216)

     78 days left until the election. These are magical words to me. Because back when there were 1,456 days to go for the next election I was not in a happy place. I knew that 1,456 days on November 8th 2016 would be a struggle to survive and for the most part that has been true. Especially since I nor many like me saw the Covid-19 mismanagement by trump. Over 170,000 deaths here in America already from Covid-19 and unfortunately many more to come. It is hard to get excited when knowing that over 1000 people a day are dying for no other reason than that trump refused to take the viral pandemic seriously.
     We as a nation have had to do our own protections against the virus with little help from trump at the federal level. Not only did trump weaken our viral protection programs prior to the contagion spreading but he has shown very little in the way of leadership qualities to contain it. As a cause and effect of his misconduct in stifling the virus we are now faced with the plan to vote by mail in order to prevent more unnecessary infections at polling stations. So what does trump do? He starts to dismantle our post office intentionally in order to make voting by mail a gamble instead of a solution. He says he knows little about what is happening at the post office but we know he is lying because he is a hands on person who knows all that is going on under his reign.
     The election that is sitting out there in the next few weeks is the solution we Americans need to end the reign of trump and get some people into our national government that can actually lead us and not his own personal agenda. Yet that is still 78 days away and what happens in those next 78 days will go a long way toward showing us that we will have the right of our vote and the dearness of our democracy upheld. That trump is calling to meet with putin again about what we can only surmise is election interference information is another in a long list of criminally intent acts by this lawless appointed president. Well our next president, Joe Biden won't be an appointed president because he will get the majority of our votes and it won't be close!

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