Tuesday, August 18, 2020

77 days left until the election (#4217)

      Today marks 11 weeks left until the election. Just 11 weeks folks. After last nights very successful Democratic convention opener it is looking like a good start to the last little bit before the election. We democrats put on a good opening night that will be tough to match but I have no doubt we will because if anything has been learned over the last 4 years it is that we know how to defeat tough! We have had to put up with the disgraceful and cruel trump agenda and we are coming out of the end of it with some real hardened skin and a purpose to defeat him that will not be denied.
     As our speakers said last night, trump is not up to the challenge of leading our nation and never has he shown that more with the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. He is also unable to confront and diminish his own followers who are more like authoritarians than democracy loving Americans. the verdict is in on trump and regardless of what he does these last 77 days before the election his time is up. Michelle Obama laid out the charges against trump last night and then supplied the verdict. It is time for the under performing trump to be removed from office if not now then at least at election time.
     With our national economy in disarray and failing for nearly 40 million out of work folks the last bastion of hope he had that the economy would carry him to victory is now just a lost memory. He has pumped up the stock market with trillion and trillions of dollars otherwise the stock market would have crashed as an indicator of the true state of our national economy. Yet as he pumps up the stock market he lets main street, our workers and small business owners, hang out to dry. He is always less likely to help the working middle poor class at all. That is where most of us live and him not understanding our needs like he understands the needs of the wealthy will be his ultimate failure.

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