Wednesday, August 26, 2020

69 days until the election (#4225)

      69 days until the election and 23 days until early voting starts in Minnesota and South Dakota. We have turned the final corner on this race to change the direction of our ever in danger democracy. With our White House being used as a political prop in the conman trump's attempt to stay in power for the rest of his life. He has to try because if he doesn't he will go to prison or flee for the rest of his life instead. That I am even saying this without it sounding like some crazy conspiracy theory is the danger we are in. There is nothing about what I have just said here that is an untruth.
     I am not watching the nightmare version of a convention for trump, because it is a convention for trump as there is no republican platform that is being offered. Nor am I waiting for the other shoe to drop on those who defend trump at the mercy of our democracy. Like falwell being essentially blackmailed into supporting trump. Makes me wonder who else like falwell who defends trump above logic and common sense. Like mcconnell, graham, cruz, etc... When will cohen tell us what he knows about the blackmails currently being deployed on them as cohen has just shown he knew about falwell but said nothing.
     This whole trump as president thing will unravel in time but I want to know before that time can be hidden as a strategy to keep power for trump. We the American electorate don't need to be babied about reality. What is going in is our first and foremost need to know in order to protect our democracy now and for the future. So cohen needs to fess up or back to prison he needs to go and the rest of us need to pressure all those who are hiding truths to force them out into the open. This trump debacle has shown us that there is no need to sugar coat the truth as too many innocents are dying every day from the ineptitude of trumps and his enablers.

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