Sunday, August 16, 2020

79 days left until the election (#4215)

      I know it is only 79 days now until the election but trump is moving hard to deny us a democratic vote. He is also working to destroy our democracy with intentional plans to subvert our form of government. He has help in that the executive branch is now more like a mafioso hierarchy and the Senate, which has a lot of control as to how trump is handled is doing nothing to stop his parade to liken himself to a dictator. So what is left for us democrats to do? First and foremost we must hit the streets again and peacefully protest against all who would peel off our national safeguards to protect our democracy.
     We also need the House, which is the only branch of government that trumps don't control, to implement any controls we have to tamp down the trump coup. Any devices at all is what we need, bar none! The time is short for our defense and all the tools we have need to be turned into weapons of law and procedures. We must all also accept that whatever the cost to any of us the voting must be made sure to be secure. So if trump does get his obstruction through the post office then we need to find a way around it. Because for the umpteenth time, this election is the most important thing that we have to correct if our nation is going to survive with democracy.
     I wish I were just being alarmist and extreme, but I am not I am being honest and truthful. Either the continuance of American democracy is voted for; or the end of American democracy is voted for. There will be no middle ground as we democrats are fighting hard to preserve democracy while the trumps and his republican cabal are fighting to end our democracy and finish the trump coup for his authoritarian rule. There are more of us than them but we need all of our voters to vote for every democrat on the ballot because the rot of the republican party is not just at it's head but throughout our body politic. So all who run as republicans are enablers of the coup that trump is willing to end our democracy for to fulfill his own personal pleasure.

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