Thursday, August 20, 2020

75 days until the election (#4219)

      The Democratic convention last night was another wonderful example of what we would have if our voters come out to vote. I am still thunderstruck by President Obama's speech last night it was an absolute searing assault on the reality we are living under with trump at the helm. We know trump cheated in many ways to steal the presidency and then seeing who should have been our president, Hillary Clinton, speak last night made for a bittersweet moment with me. However that is in the past and we couldn't rectify that injustice but in 75 days we can end the madness with a vote for every democrat on the ballot.
     With President Obama delivering a magnificent rebuttal to all that trump says is good about himself, Kamala Harris was able to focus more on her story so that the rest of America could see her as we do. A perfect tandem of efficiency between Barack and Kamala. This is our democratic party. The many willing to sacrifice for the one and when necessary the one willing to sacrifice for the many. The contrast couldn't be any more stark when compared to the republican party and their fawning fealty to trump at every turn. Next week we will see the slobbering boot lickers praising their master trump with unfailing subservience.
     But today we will see our nominee, Joe Biden, continue to display the togetherness we democrats are all about and with his usual aplomb dissect the trumps like the arrogant hucksters they are all about. The republican party is a wasteland of the selfish, cowardly, and greedy with little to no substance that is worthy of exemplifying. Today we will again control the narrative that has been inundated by trump since his first day as the appointed president. But this respite for the last 3 days and again today is what our democratic party needed to recharge and reinvigorate our resolve to finish off these last 75 days with a flurry of resistance to the trumps and their bragging voter suppression tactics to try to steal yet another election from we the people!

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