Thursday, August 27, 2020

68 days left until the election (#4226)

      Life is pretty simple when you know what to do in life. Help those who need help and stand up for those who are being harmed. Everything else is just marking time with our work, hobbies and pleasures. I don't know what else to add here but surely there is more. However, being the kind of person who does good by people is what I am trying to emphasize. Once you have gotten a taste of helping others or fighting for those who cannot you will find that the adrenaline rush is addicting. Being a good person is the outcome but the acts to define that bring out the life in us.
     We don't need to be daredevils to feel the thrill of life, we just need to take a chance on our own courage and let it come as it may. I should probably be dead 50 times over from my youth with all the crazy thrill seeking things I did and survived but as I have gotten older I find that putting myself on the line for an idealistic cause or defending someone where my own self is at danger is far more rewarding and more productive. I have gotten to feel the real sense of triumph when I stopped a bad and turned it into a good. There is no better feeling in life than when your courage has taken you to the best of who you are and you came out the other side a more magnificent human being.
     I know there are only 68 days left until our whole nation is voting one way or another and that time is quickly approaching. It is incredible to me that the time of trump is finally coming to an end and the physical and emotional suffering he has placed on our heads will soon be no longer. I expect him to lose but I cannot guarantee it. But what I do know is this, if we who are registered to vote make every effort to actually vote the blue wave tsunami I know is out there will be plenty strong to flush the republican party right out of power. It takes courage to make a stand and tell the world that you will not be trifled with at their own peril! Yet courage is there in all of us and the time to find our courage, despite our fears, is now when the fate of our nation and our democracy is in jeopardy.

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