Sunday, August 9, 2020

86 days left until the election (#4208)

      Michelle Obama speaks for all of us when she tells us that she is a bit depressed. Some more than others obviously but generally speaking any of us with more than half a heart and a decent perspective on life are struggling with the worst of what human nature can bring in the form of trump and his boot licking sycophants. Yet as we endure each day toward our goal of electing Joe Biden and many democratic candidates on November 3rd we start to alleviate the negative effect of that endurance. I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders and since there are many more just like me I expect you too are carrying that weight. But very soon that weight will be lifted and then we can start to live our lives like our founders envisioned, pursuing happiness.
     86 days is still some time but in 40 days voters in Minnesota and South Dakota will begin marking their presidential ballots. As each new day arrives trump finds more ways to unsettle us but what he can't do is stop us. We are monolithic in our togetherness and nothing he can do to split us apart will work. We know him now and that knowledge protects us from anything he may try. He is not a good person at any level of his existence so constantly looking through him is our defense against any claim he may make. He is working hard to disrupt our democracy and within that our voting process. Yet as we each get a ballot we each have an opportunity to fill it out and then hand deliver it to the elections office wherever there is one in our cities and states if that makes us sure our vote is counted.
     Another consideration is that with each new obstruction he creates he pushes borderline voters further from supporting him. He is his own worst enemy in that regard as well as when he opens his mouth like yesterday when he said if given a second term he would destroy social security and medicare, He has made that threat before but hearing it now doubles the effect because of the viral contagion he is not helping us contain and eliminate. He truly is representative of the republican party behind closed doors when all they can talk about is how to screw the American working middle poor class. Well we know what they say behind our backs so when they face us and lie to our faces we can see them for what they are. Hypocrites who would rather we all die so that they can have what is left to worship them as if they were gods.

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