Friday, August 28, 2020

67 days until the next election (#4227)

      Well, I can now watch television at night since the trump cult gathering has ended. Unlike a lot of folks, I figured trump out well before 2016 and although I didn't hate him then I knew he was a dishonest piece of shit. Well now I full blown hate him for what he is doing to our nation and what he still wants to do. Which if you watched the trump convention then you know. Although I am sure he didn't mention cutting medicare/social security down to nothing. Regardless of the crap he wants to do to us I like to focus on what Joe Biden will do for us. Extending Obamacare out even further to many who have no health care. Addressing the Covid-19 problem and myriad other things that are actually helpful.
     So tonight when I watch my favorite cable newscasters it won't be with the backdrop of everything all about trump. Some think this election will be close and I can understand that given the happening of the 2016 election. But many had no clue how bad a person trump was and his rhetoric and russian help proved just enough to let him become an appointed president because he surely wasn't the popular vote getter. We have had 4 years now to see who he is in real time with little in the way of cover. So for him to use the stealth attack like last time would be fruitless as he is the incumbent and not some outsider throwing stones.
     He has done such a miserable job of being presidential and when he put immigrant children, stolen from their parents, into cages he then revealed his nature. A man/child who somehow was both heartless and ignorant. This isn't an unknown to all of us now. So for him to call other people bad human beings is rich given his lust for causing pain and misery to those who are not as able to defend themselves. I reckon that for every 3 people who vote 1 of them will vote for him. that is a mighty statement on my part but trump has shown that he is a mighty failure to the many of us who pay attention. The base of trump is about 33 percent so I figure he will get most all them but who else in their right mind would want another 4 years like the 4 years we just went through again?

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