Wednesday, August 5, 2020

90 days left until the election (#4204)

     There are now 9 blocks of 10 days left until the election. My obsession with ending the reign of trump is soon at hand. There will be nervous moments along the way as we bear down on the actual voting but there is enough of a blue wave still riding high to allay my nervousness. I wouldn't be nervous at all if this wasn't such a pivotal moment in our nations history. The damage already done by trump has been infamous and historic so any further chance he had at finishing us off would be abhorrent. The uncommon allegiance too many have to him despite the destruction he has wrought is disturbing and must have a reckoning of its own once the deed is done.
     There are those who live among us who have such a cowardly and diseased outlook on life that no simple remedy is possible. Yet these ones must never be given power like with trumps ever again. How they became to be like this is generational and the catalyst has always been the republican party. They disdain education for all of us and they dismiss any attempt to create an atmosphere of compassion and curiosity. The republican party has the ills of our nation at their feet and if we give them more time to do their deviousness our democracy will be at their feet as well. Thus my apprehension at moments when I think they may pull off some nefarious trick to steal our votes from us.
     The republican party does not hide its pretense of obstructing voters any longer. They have their marching orders and those who are in position to do so will do so as we move closer to November 3, 2020. As devious as they are they are also calculating, as with what they are now doing with the 2020 census. Trying to rush it done without counting all the souls in our land. This way they can apportion House seats more favorable to their party. Another obvious trick they hope to have adjudicated their way yet the outlandish nature of their gambit may well be beyond the sensibilities of Chief Justice Roberts. Time will tell.

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