Saturday, August 29, 2020

66 days left until the election (#4228)

     We are past the conventions now and there seems to be little movement from the large Biden lead nationally. the swing state polls are still consistent even though we know they will tighten up a bit over the coming weeks. Yet there Biden will still have a clear edge. It seems that no matter what trump tries to do it is just more of the same, rhetoric without action or sense. He chose his strategy when he first came into his appointed office. That being screwing the working middle poor class while enriching even more the, you guessed it, rich. So how does he try to turn all his failures into positives? Why of course by blaming them on Biden and Obama.
     It is cute of him to say that the things happening are Biden's fault when he, trump, is actually the sitting president. How he thinks that a message of impossibility will resonate with regular folks is beyond me but there you go he is trying it anyway. As well he is ignoring the greatest threat to American life in a century and acts like Covid-19 is no big deal. Nothing to see here folks keep moving along. I cannot even go to the place where the russians offered bounties on American soldiers and trump is silent about that. A hoax as far as he is concerned. When trump calls something a hoax you can better believe it is anything but a hoax.
     So with 66 days left until the election and just 20 days left until Minnesota and South Dakota begin their early voting the time is short for trump to convince anyone outside his rabies infected base that he is a viable alternative to...himself. lol. The insanity of trump and his running against himself in the form of Biden is even more laughable when you hear him say that when elected he will solve all the problems that are going on now so why doesn't he solve them right now instead? Because his way of solving problems will need him to be reelected first so that the brutal solution he has in mind cannot be challenged given his mandate.

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