Sunday, August 2, 2020

93 days left until the election (#4201)

     The ongoing sabotage of the election by republicans of their own chances of holding any power continues. With their obstinate denial of Covid-19 precautions and their firm grasp of confederate ideals they keep themselves as a shrinking block of undesirable qualities. If you had told me that republicans would be defending the choice to ignore science during the pandemic I would have told you that they wouldn't because we also have an election in 93 days. Why? Because ignoring science during a pandemic is tantamount to unnecessary dumbfuckery, and widespread contagion! If you had told me that holding onto confederate ideals during a time of unprecedented protests against the traitorous confederate ideals would be a republican strategy I would have only smiled and said surely you jest.
     We democrats have stood by science and social justice while republicans have stood against them. I can't tell you how unimpressed I am with the current abhorrent republican party. They are obviously not only on the wrong side of both those issues but now they are holding up necessary aid help to 10's of millions of Americans while they wait and see how much they can gain the system for themselves. Meanwhile trump is conferring with putin over how to handle his own reelection attempt instead of confronting the dictatorial ruler over his putting bounties on American soldiers. The list of things that trumps have done and are doing that undermine the largest voting block in America, the working middle poor class, has already put him in a negative light.
     But like all things here in America the memory is shorter than it should be and although no person in their right mind would vote for trump he is still solid with at least 40% of the electorate. How he could be that high with our citizenry tells us more about us than it does about him. Yet there could well be 60% of our electorate that end up voting against him and if that is so the defeat of trump and his acolytes across the board will help heal our democracy and put us back on a track that exemplifies a manifest destiny worthy of some pride and humility. In 47 days the early voting begins in Minnesota and South Dakota for a new chapter in our American story.

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