Saturday, August 8, 2020

87 days left until the election (#4207)

      87 days feels like an eternity this morning with the republicans stalling on any Covid relief package unless it is their idea of one. It is as if we Democrats, who are many more than republicans, don't exist. Well I am not as discouraged as they would like me or for that matter all of us to be. We are in for a bumpy ride these last many weeks and it isn't a surprise since we know how much republicans hate the working middle poor class. How we will get through this will be our challenge but to say the least trump and his boot licking acolytes will pay dearly for this. There will be a reckoning on November 3, 2020 and of this I have no doubt.
     The republican party will no longer be in control of any branch of our government although in theory they still hold a 5-4 majority on the Supreme Court. But as has been mentioned before adding justices to an expanded court is an option we democrats will have after Joe Biden in inaugurated and both houses of Congress begin their new democratic leaderships. I am not day dreaming here as the mood of our nation is that we have had enough of conservative republican politics all throughout our nation. Even republican voters know the hand writing is on the wall concerning this election and they are collectively in disarray as how to react. Which is of course fine with we democrats because the left to middle edge of republicanism is on the fence.
     There is little distance between trump and his more conservative far right edge of republicans but that group is a lot less prolific and just more noise than danger. The republican party is not going to do well in this coming election and as trump continues to make the many of us more economically desperate he is losing more and more of his hoped for converts. The virus he is ignoring is the catalyst to all of this and that several hundreds of thousands will die before Joe takes the presidency remains as trump's biggest failure among a slew of failures to numerous to list. 87 days does seem like an eternity but as each new day ticks off the calendar we are that much closer to a new and much brighter future.

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