Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Acting and being presidential (#3841)

    Well we know what that looks like when we had Barack Obama as our president and we now know what it doesn't look like with trump. So the template is there for anyone on our democratic side to emulate and live with conviction. Although conviction is what trump has waiting for him it is not the conviction I am referring to here. The conviction of our principles and duty are strongly held and displayed when appropriate. The conviction of trump will be based upon his guilt which is now as obvious as our faces in the mirror.
     When I say acting presidential it is with an air of humility and resolve. We take nothing for granted nor do we ever condescend to anyone who show us the same consideration. Our objectivity allows us to be reasonable and persuasive when the logic and common sense of things are in order. We live with dignity and a care beyond the normal because our behavior is supposed to be exemplary. With trump we see the opposite with his constant condescension toward those who are not him and his hatred of those who will not serve him.
     Being presidential is to rise above the bickering and partisanship and calling out that which is correct and good with a vigorous solid defense. As well as calling out that which is bad and harmful with the same vigorous logical dismantling. A president must be as considerate even more so than the rest of us when the time of crisis is upon us. A president must have the intellect to not only control his own emotional state but the emotional state of our nation. A president must have the strength of honorable conviction at the ready for any circumstance that may arise. A president must be a person of the people, for the people, and by the people of these United States.

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