Monday, August 19, 2019

republicans have no heart! (#3853)

     Yeah, I know, there is always someone who knows a republican and they are so kind and all, yet they knowingly vote for other republicans who aren't kind. So what does that tell us? That they aren't fully aware of their votes going to ruthlessly cruel politicians? Or that they don't believe that republicans are really that bad? Or that we actually need ruthlessly cruel politicians to cull the herd of others? Whatever their reasoning happens to be it overshadows any good they may try to do for certain people to make themselves appear to be kind and heartfelt.
     It is a scam just like their leader. Being kind to certain people for them is to use a strategy that benefits them more than it costs them since that is also a republican core belief. Take more than you give at all costs. So anyone who still harbors any respect for their "good" republican voting friends are seen by those republicans as useful idiots, but they would rarely ever say that. It is like a person I know of African American heritage now defending the nazi's so that he can continue to justify his unalterable stance of being a republican. The absurdity of it is beyond rationality yet that is what it is.
     I suspect that many who vote for republicans and yet act like democrats are conflicted in their souls yet their minds won't let them resolve the conflict. Instead they just ignore it and behave like the republicans, despite their beliefs, are actually the good guys. It is all supposition on my part but in the meantime I have no actual fact to base their cruel beliefs and contradictory behavior on. What I do know is that if they ever see the error of their thinking and actually admit it then they are the ones who can explain their heretofore illogical lives. Regardless, that is their burden and not mine. I have other more important time to spend not trying to convince someone they are flawed. They don't take it well and it just gets my blood boiling showing them their wrongs and their obstinance at accepting it.

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