Saturday, August 10, 2019

The carnage left behind from a selfish lifestyle (#3844)

     With the suicide this morning of jeff epstein we see what a life can be like when it takes on it's most selfish form. He and his trump like pals took from so many young women and left them with a nightmare that which they have to live with for the rest of their lives. An innocence that they never got to experience because of the lust of men who would be a king. The power grab behind raping young women is the drive that motivates these types of men to take what they want regardless of the cost/benefit ratio accounting. They only think with their lust and not with an eye toward what their harm is causing or has already caused. They only think of themselves and if that isn't illustrative enough to describe the appointed trump is then nothing in this world will ever be able to.
     There are times when the vulnerability of our democracy is misused. Instead of shoring up any shortcomings, the likes of trump and epstein calculate just how they are able to manipulate it. These types of people have not sworn an allegiance to democratic principles, instead they have sworn an allegiance to their own vices. Their cold calculations are only aimed to enhance their own experiences in life despite the carnage they create in the process. Living in the cesspool of vices is to destroy what is good and innocent. The depth of depravity that it takes to be like epstein, trump and their cohorts is bottomless, well maybe not bottomless with epstein since he took his own life out of either fear or guilt.
     As to trump we see there is no bottom as he continues to display a complete lack of remorse and guilt. That trump can smile his way through life while others who have been his victims have had to struggle to survive their trump instilled shame is abominable. I can say this for epstein even though I do not condone suicide, he at least brought some closure to those who were most horrifically harmed by him. With trump we will not see any self punishment nor an admittance of guilt as long as he draws breath. Because what we have seen of trump is that he would never consider the possibility that he is not greater than all of us!

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