Wednesday, August 21, 2019

So weary of trump yet I persevere! (#3855)

     Every single day this pos does something else that infuriates the many of us without fail. After the first couple of months I thought he would tact to the left a bit to give something back from us that he took. But NO! He just kept on taking from us and harming people at every turn. It is as if he is on a mission to destroy the working middle class. I don't understand that since we are the engine that drives the success of his wealthy friends. Yet they remain silent for the most part as well. So there must be more to this than meets the common eye.
     It comes to me that if trump can create nothing more than a working poor class who is totally dependent on the wealthy than he is returning us to the age when lords and peasants were all there were. The peasants would take anything from the lords as long as they could survive. It seems bizarre to me that trump is this way but the evidence is clear and he hasn't backed down from it. He thinks the minimum wage is too high. He doesn't want regulations or restrictions on design or manufacturing. He doesn't want unions nor collaboratives of workers to form. He in essence has a disdain for the working middle poor class that is above and beyond simple ideology.
     As we have also seen from him is his hatred and vile condescension toward us that is intolerable. So it isn't a model for economics, it is a hatred for those who are not as devious and unethical as himself. He finds that those with morals are idiots and nothing more that objects to be used. His mask has been removed and we see him for who he is and it is the worst of what humanity has evolved. There is no length of lie nor obstruction that he won't utilize to reform our democracy into his own fiefdom. He has a key ally in mcconnell of the senate to help him reinforce his strategy so to me they both are joined at the hip and when the time comes they both need to be aligned with the same fate of swift justice.

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