Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Another turn around the sun (#3854)

     This last year has been excruciating except for the midterm election victories last November. All things with me revolve around politics including family and friends. Nothing is more important in our society then to protect democracy and continually improve equality of opportunity. There are many inherent wrongs with how our society is structured and those inherent wrongs need to be corrected. Yet with republicans in charge they never will be corrected because for the most part these wrongs were instituted by republicans to not only increase their wealth but to diminish democracy for the rest of us.
     So again, I implore you to never vote for a republican again as it should be obvious by now that they only have love for money and power. Every day I write about some atrocity either particularly or in general so that we the majority can firmly argue from any vantage point that the republican party is to our detriment and ultimately our death. They are like the selfish child who can only clamor for it's own selfish desires while remaining ignorant to the damage their selfishness is causing. So enough of them and their selfishness. They hog up all the space the rest of us could have shared in a prosperous way for all.
     As I begin a new trip around the sun I have high expectations for not only myself and my little time left in life but even more so for the rest of us and our bright future after the republicans are thrown out of public office everywhere. This next time around the sun will not include the November 3rd. election but it will have some state races that will be a harbinger of things to come. When Virginia and New Jersey do their off year elections in November we will see the mood of the country and as I suspect the manifestation of a huge blue wave election.

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