Monday, August 26, 2019

Global warming and raging fires (#3860)

     Two indisputable facts yet the fascist republican conservatives are basically ignoring both. Because I don't know why except to think that they don't care. It must be nice to live in one's head and only think about oneself while the rest of us are just props in one's illusion. Forsaking our future generations for some idea of a profit is what is actually happening so maybe it is all just about greed. I am afraid our capitalistic society is breeding those whose lust for money is greater than their ideals for peace and prosperity. In fact I am sure of it given that money is what most people desire.
     Not me though and not a lot of others as well. Many are happy with enough to support their families and have time to enjoy the beauty of our planet. But too many are afflicted with greed so badly that having it all is not enough. They have to have everything else including yours and mine. Greed is like that. It is an insatiable lust for more as a destination without end. What these poor sots don't understand is that they cannot buy quality time. Time is the real treasure and being happy the blueprint for how we live our lives. When our founders gave us the words "pursuit of happiness" they knew that our joy was the greatest achievement.
     But we don't have many leaders today who think that time and joy are the precious values. Instead they are convinced within themselves that they are the only ones worthy of preciousness and their reckless abandon toward their immediate greed is not to be outweighed. So our planet heats up and they say it is just cyclical. The rainforest is on fire and they say good we can use the burnt land to grow things. Yet without oxygen in our atmosphere the growing of things becomes moot. Without cooler temperatures our land masses disappear and our greenery turns brown. So until the leaders understand that greenhouse gases are bad and that the rain forest needs to be left alone to produce oxygen, our way of life is about to dramatically change, if we survive it.

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