Sunday, August 25, 2019

No self inflicted wounds! (#3859)

     We democrats have to remain focused on the absolute essential priority of our time and it is all trump and his republican conspirators are doing. I keep seeing too many posts about past wrongs we democrats have made and although they are wrongs, they for one do not nearly rise to the daily level of the damage trump has done to us and the world and two they are not a priority right now. Right now we have to stop the ongoing daily damage, not retreat to commiserate at long ago spilt milk. I am sometimes disturbed that we democrats can be so easily distracted when the time for focus is as crucial as it has ever been.
     Just as crucial as when we were attacked and stepped into World War II. Our focus on ending trumps and limiting damage until then cannot waver or be tempered. This will be a very long 435 days until we vote again so each day we must keep our vigilance at the ready. No more of this digging into our democratic past and calling ourselves out over mistakes that have already been amplified. This is just more distraction from the republican onslaught happening right now! It sickens me when I see our own naive democrats turn away from fighting the republican agenda to attack ourselves. We know we did some wrongs in the past and actually worked to make those wrongs right. But now is not the time to adjudicate those wrongs again.
     There are greater crimes happening now and although I know we democrats are not perfect nor even close at least we try to be the best of who we are. Unlike republicans who are trying to be the worst of who they are. You see my point here? So stop negating our efforts to put down the rabid republican party by being introspective about our own moral stance. What republicans are doing is far worse for us than any remorse we may want to heap upon ourselves again! So focus on stopping republicans by calling "them" out when they are constantly working to undermine our democracy today!

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