Sunday, August 11, 2019

If we survive trump... (#3845)

     No guarantees here. There are still too many days left until the next election and at the rate trump is going it won't take him long to turn everyone in the world against us. The advent of a nuclear war has never been higher in my mind since the end of the cold war. For absolutely no good reason as well. If someone set out to actually see if armageddon was real this is how they would go about it. Get everyone in place to trigger a massive avalanche of nuclear warhead strikes. I am not trying to scare anyone here because if you are not already alarmed you are about worthless of my time.
     In the 450 days until the next election we have more to worry about than ever before. trump knows he is highly unpopular with the electorate despite his rhetoric to the contrary. So his determination to keep his appointed presidency takes on much more importance with him. Plus he knows that this may be the last chance he gets to do his dirty deeds while he is still in somewhat control. So expect his behavior to get even more irrational as to our national security and our world status. What we have going for us is a populism that can rise up and counter anything he does when we get to our collective "boiling point".
     So if we survive trump there will be quite a mess to clean up and it won't be anything short of a major overhaul with time and healing to occur. But if we survive him the better natures of our souls will have won out and then the changes that have been needed to happen for too many decades can finally begin. There is a proverbial light at the end of the tunnel here and it is to reshape our future going forward without the obstruction of republicans who by their own choice chose to follow trump over the cliff of insanity! So many metaphors today but like irrational and fearful times they seem to perfectly describe, in short clauses, the reality of our era.

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