Monday, August 5, 2019

Survival mode (#3839)

     That is how I look at my life and how everyone should look at their own. Surviving trump and his republican lackeys is priority number one. We must not only think in the survival mode but we must act in it as well. Gearing up to protest at every turn and with non stop phone calls to those republicans who continue to support trump and his racist and democracy destabilizing policies. Which by the way is every republican that I can differentiate. Which is why my mantra is to vote every republican everywhere out of office.
     I know there are pockets of republicans who will not easily be voted out of office but we can still make every effort to do so in order for them to always be on the defensive. Then we defeat all republicans who are not nearly completely safe. Those republicans need to be on the defensive where in the past they cruised to victory this time they need to sweat out any hope of winning. We must all vote, no exceptions of any kind. I know that is harsh but giving up a bit of time on one day is much easier to stomach than another 4 years of this cancer called trump.
     Although republicans keep us from having a national voting holiday, we each can make our own by doing whatever it is to have time off enough on November 3rd. 2020 to vote. If it means calling in sick on a work day or just being absent despite threats otherwise. Nothing is more important in this time and place than for the all of us to end the trumps and the lackey republicans that enable them. Nothing is greater than our own personal courage for demanding and taking our right to vote. Let nothing stand in our way so make sure once again that you are registered to vote and then either vote early and on a paper ballot or make sure you get to a voting booth in your district and make your life a significance that not trump nor any republican can ever take from you!

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