Saturday, August 24, 2019

We democrats must stay serious! (#3858)

     I was accused of being over zealous yesterday when it came to a right wing meme a couple of democrats found amusing. Yet the meme improperly portrayed Hillary as some kind of killer and when I pointed this out that the meme itself although trying to be funny was also furthering a right wing narrative that absolutely hurt Hillary in the 2016 election and led us to trump I was castigated for not finding the humor in it. First, I am still smarting over the implausible trump appointment to president so there is little for me to find amusing especially when it goes to the heart of the lies spread about Hillary.
     Next I don't see any need to find my humor in a narrative that obviously was created by a republican troll factory. It is this kind of attack at us from our humor that has the best chance to get into our midst and soften our resolve. I stated that I am in the mode of "at war" with trump specifically and republicans generally that laughing at a concocted meme that is a lie to begin with is just like a gut punch. I was unceremoniously told that war wasn't what we are at and that real war doesn't look like this. I said that I have no time for folks who cannot see the danger of treating trump and his republican party as a frivolity.
     I am not one to be flippant nor casual about what is happening in our politics right now and nor will I tolerate those who cannot nor will not get serious when the serious time is upon us. So I left them to their own imaginings as to what reality is and moved on. I am not embellishing here. This may not be armed conflict at the moment but if anyone cannot see that sides are drawn and anger is rising then they are living in a fantasy world. The only way we are going to stop armed conflict here in America is to nip it in the bud now while we still can. If you don't think that every metaphorical bullet fired at us isn't serious then you too should get away from me so I don't call your ass out about it!

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