Monday, August 12, 2019

The Manchurian candidate is trump (#3846)

     This version of the traitor has actually ended up being appointed president. He may not have been the ideal traitor for the job but he is effective enough and has still kept a following. So trying to oust him from his appointed position has been near impossible given the other traitors who protect him. I wish this had all been a bad dream but the reality is it isn't and having to live these last nearly 3 years has been like hell come to life. I physically have not been harmed by trump yet but that doesn't take into account my emotional and ethical state that has been harmed.
     The very idea of our democracy being uprooted by the republican party was a bridge too far for me to even consider yet here we are. I knew that senate republicans were a dishonest bunch but never had I considered they would betray our nation. They are making benedict arnold look like a sympathetic figure now comparatively. There is no sureness to our democracy surviving and the history books detailing this treachery for generations to come. No, the fact that our democracy may be on its final days is very real and not embellishment. I have seen where many are delusionally happy to say that Obama was the racist and trump is not.
     How that kind of stupefying mindset came into being is more to do with racism than logic. Because when we apply the premises to the equation of facts it is entirely trump who is the racist. But not to let facts get in the way, trump supporters are quick to reject facts, science and even common sense when it comes to facing the truth. I have no doubt that racism is too great a consequence for too many trump supporters to ever face and they never will. So whatever happens to the Manchurian candidate, his supporters will always cry foul if he is replaced or defeated. They themselves would protect a traitor if his racism remains as theirs.

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