Saturday, August 17, 2019

Our Universe is a hard cold place (#3851)

     For those of you who still hold onto the illusion that the Universe is somehow protecting us above what it does for other humans, you need to let that go. There is no special dispensation for anyone who has ever lived and died. We are all born, live for however long, and then die. That's it! Yet the in between part where we live is very crucial. Although the Universe isn't a protector of anyone we can do that for ourselves, to a point. Fate or destiny is defined by chance and luck for the most part but we are also a species that can moderate our chance and luck through logic and common sense.
     If anything, logic and common sense are our best hope to remain a viable species. What else is known is that although the Universe is a hard cold place we humans bring comfort and warmth to make the Universe just a bit more bearable. Our nature to survive with compassion and curiosity allows us to nurture with emotion and motivation. Not all we humans do is an offset to hard and cold but much of it is. When we humans are our more noble selves, than the fearfully scared version, we thrive in ways that advance intellectualism and innovation.
     I see we humans as having a duty to advance our species throughout the Universe in order to soften it's edges and bring warmth where nothing like it before existed. The stewardship of the Universe, that is ours for the grasping, should be organized around the better of our natures with the goal of making it so in every bit of time and space the Universe reveals to us. There is so much more to life than just the living of it. There is the how we live and for what greater purpose. Any of us can be mundane or reckless as a rule yet to rise above the ordinary, to the extraordinary, is what we humans have been given as a species to develop and perfect. Our duty is clear, now will we stand tall and accept it?

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