Sunday, August 18, 2019

republicans won't change the rules of our current dirty politics (#3852)

     The reason they won't change the rules is because without cheating the way they do like dark money donations and gerrymandering is because they cannot win mostly anywhere without them. So while they are the rules we democrats, although we despise the dirty rules, are forced to play by them in order to get back into the majority and change the rules back to being fair for everyone. No more electoral college; no more private financing of elections; no more gerrymandering to gain political advantages; no more voter purges; no more voter disenfranchisement; Make election day a national holiday; secure our elections from internal and external tampering. These are but a few of the changes that need to be made once we democrats regain control of government.
     Otherwise we are stuck with republicans working to kick voters of the voting rolls and keep American citizens from actually voting. We will continue to be stuck with gerrymandered districts where 35% to 40% of republican votes control 60% to 70% of the actual legislators and representatives. We will be stuck with money coming into campaigns that have no accountability of their origin and what back room deal they were offered for. We also will be stuck with only the wealthy being able to run for office in most cases because they have the contacts and the resources to afford the ever increasing cost of working to get elected, thus becoming more beholden to those donors than they are to the people they are representing.
     The only way this current paradox of oppression against our electorate will end is if the republican party takes a real hard beating in the coming 2020 election. Then and only then will the obstacles of real change to our national politics commence to disappear. We need to hold and increase our representatives in the House; retake the Senate by a margin that gives us democrats not only the majority but a bit of a comfortable one; and finally remove the asshole trump from our White House and bring in a democrat worthy of being for all the people of our currently disorganized nation. A clean sweep of elected office majority is what is needed for democrats and then we will see the redemocratization of our nation.

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