Thursday, August 1, 2019

460 days until the November 3rd. presidential election (#3835)

     I know it has been hard and tiring for most all of us who are rational caring human beings but like this post title recognizes, the time for trump and his enablers is coming to an end. 460 days may seem like a lot of days left but when trump was elected there were 1461 days to tolerate and survive. Well we have passed the 1000 days of trump since he was elected and so far the many of us are still here just as determined as ever to end this horrible era. 460 days will not be easy since trump has to be getting aware that we the many are very capable of ending his reign of terror. 460 days to keep up our guard and even advance on him in ways that make his life miserable.
     The people I have encountered except a very small few are quiet and focused on their daily ambitions but beneath that quietness is a resolve to end trump no matter what comes next. He is an abomination to our nation and the vast majority of us are seething under our breath to take him down and run him through the gauntlet of justice. People like him need to be shamed at every turn and when his time is up being our appointed leader the shaming must follow him all the days of his life no matter where he ends his days. 460 days to me is a short time considering what we have already endured.
     So as each new day counts down toward 0, I will not only look for any way to protest trump and his cronies but to work to obstruct anything he may try in his last 460 days to corrupt what is left of our democracy. I am in this with all I have and nothing short of all of me is prepared to give it to end the rule of trump come November 3rd. 2020. Those who are not engaged yet need to understand something now. If you are not fighting to protect democracy then your are enabling those who would destroy it. You are an enemy of mine and I will not stand your presence nor respect your ambivalence despite any claim to being ignorant or uncaring. Get on your surfboard with us democrats to protect our democracy or get out of the way of our blue wave as it will crush you for not getting behind it!

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