Thursday, August 15, 2019

trumps patches on the economy are tearing apart (#3849)

     When President Obama left office our economy was stabilized and growing on a firm foundation but since trump has been appointed the economy has begun to shake from it's foundation. He is building up debt to give a windfall profit to the filthy rich while doing nothing to grow jobs faster than what President Obama had left. Plus with his tax relief law for the wealthy making the working middle poor class have to pay more in taxes has caused a braking action on our consumer spending. Now we have the tariff wars with our previous robust trading partners and that rise in prices is paid by we the American consumer.
     So in essence what trump has done is try to fix something that wasn't broken and his fixes have effectively broken our economy. His ego above common logic prevailed and now we the American consumer are about to find out again that given enough time a republican, albeit appointed, president can shortly secure a recession with little difficulty. For the life of me I cannot understand how anyone with even half a brain cell can think that republicans are any good at creating a robust economy. Oh sure, they can do some smoke and mirrors for a bit while enhancing the wealth of the richest of rich but they are not inclined to create prosperity for everyone.
     So over the next year we will see a slowing of our economy and a clamoring because of the slowing trump all by himself, with aid from the republicans in the Senate, has caused. The one leg that trump is left standing on, a good economy, is about to be broken and then he will have nothing to claim as his reason for being reappointed. He certainly will not get the majority of votes nor will he be able to finesse the electoral college like last time. So the logical next step if for trump to either start a war as a strategy to get reelected or try to institute martial law and suspend the next election. Because there should be no one on Earth who doesn't realize that trump will do anything, legal or illegal, to keep his appointment to the presidency.

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