Thursday, August 29, 2019

The end of civilized advancement (#3863)

     Well there is one category that America is leading in and that is to end civilized advancement. It has been coming for decades but only just now is it plain to see by anyone who has an ounce of objectivity. The republican party has been working hard to make this so and it has all lined up for them. With their idiotic appointed stooge of a president to an apathetic and easily deceived electorate 2016 was the magic moment for them. They gained the presidency, kept the house and senate majorities and began replacing supreme court justices that do their bidding.
     We the American electorate were all that stood in the way of republicans completely controlling America and its societal objectives. Which by the way were not societal objectives but the undercutting of society as a whole. But as the 2018 midterm election showed we the American people were not to be easily dispatched of our democracy and we mounted a comeback with the largest percentage of voters in an off presidential election in a century, As the 2020 election season is getting underway the expectation from all parties is that there will be a record turnout that could easily top 65 to 70% of our electorate.
     The normal for presidential general elections is around 60% or so, so anything beyond that is a sign that there is real unrest and the unrest must stop. So expect that the higher percentage of voters who vote in 2020 the better democratic candidates will do. Because for most of us the modernity gains over the last nearly 2 1/2 centuries have been positive and we don't wish to see that trend stop now because a selfish idiotic brute has decided that he wants to be king of America for life. So voter turnout is the key and when we focus a lot more attention on getting folks registered to vote and then actually voting we will be primed to saving our society. Then and only then can we begin to put this sorry chapter of the republican party's attempted coup behind us.

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