Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The sociopath trump (#3862)

     Kicking detained immigrant children out of our country because they are sick is a form of extermination. First trump rounds them up and cages them for indefinite periods and then when it is discovered that they are not well he throws them out like yesterday's garbage. We are talking about children here so you tell me if trump is a sociopath or not. It is bad enough that when folks come here that are fleeing persecution and then are sent back to be killed by that very same persecution they were running from then you tell me trump isn't a sociopath!
     The time for the end of trump has passed and if he survives to the end of his appointed term his damage to our human race will equal those of the worst despots to have ever lived. Maybe not the worst but in too many ways the same. I don't know what it will take to end this madness and if it will end before we get to vote. But it must end in some way that stops the reckless assault on humans who are not to trump's liking. We are Americans which means we have come from all walks of life to form our tapestry yet when we allow a wannabe dictator like trump to cut at the threads of our weaving together we find that the frays are all to real and the lynch pin to unraveling our uniqueness.
     Only those who have no empathy nor compassion for all human beings are capable of destroying some and heralding others because of their race or intelligence. The sociopath trump needs to be gone and if that takes all of us to stop where we are and just haul him out of office by his short hairs then that is what we must do. Tar and feathering and then sent out of town on a pole is too kind. He needs to be removed from civilized society and caged himself so that his ilk can never be lauded by the slithering souls who worship such hatred from under their rocks. Thee last 400 some days before the next election may not allow us to survive trump because he is relentless in his attacks on our society and his hatred for American democracy!

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