Thursday, August 22, 2019

Staying serious in a chaotic time (#3856)

     I know we all need to let off some pressure from the devastation trump is throwing at us that we must constantly defend against but we have to keep our wits about us when we do. I have seen too many of us try to make light of the right wing narratives that are everywhere it seems but we need to stop sharing those memes because they reinforce the right wing propaganda. I like to laugh at silly stupid stuff but not at the expense of giving right wing messaging another outlet to change the subject. We have to be more creative in our jesting and keep our narratives in the forefront of our shares. Our seriousness about what is real and happening now is much more important than being flippant with our humor.
     I have caught myself doing the same thing and then felt hurt when called out about it so I know I am in the unenviable position of calling all of us out about something we didn't intend to be a distraction from our messaging. Yet it must be said if we are to have the best chance of retaking our government back from the steely grip of the democracy killing republicans. There is nothing on Earth more important than right now and the battle we are in against the cruel and brutish republican party. So when we do let off a little steam let's make sure that we are not causing any harm to our cause through an innocent attempt to keep our senses.
     Know this, the republican party is well adept at obfuscation and deception so they look for ways to keep their narratives in front of us even if it is to be poked at for humor. We cannot allow them that avenue of deception because it waters down our own serious attempts to convey the disgrace these memes are really all about. Every vote this coming election must be counted in our favor so no playing with republican memes just because they are funny, because they are not! They are strategic to disarm us from our anger and motivation. The republican party is a scourge and all they do is aimed at lying to us and throwing a bare bone to us every now and again so that they can keep devouring the best part of the meal.

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