Friday, August 9, 2019

Double standard (#3843)

     When the 600 plus migrant workers were arrested earlier this week the owners of the processing plants were not. Arrest the workers and not those who hired them. This right here is a double standard. Now the excuse will be these workers were arrested specifically for being undocumented but if that is the criteria now that we pick and choose which crimes we will enforce and not enforce then when I say double standard I am not embellishing at all correct? So one man's decision to choose to be outside the law is more understandable than another man's choice? When we get to a point like this and I know this has been going on since the beginning of time but more discreetly, then we can assume the next premise that the color of these worker's skin has more to do with it than not.
     When a double standard such as this where the white owners are dismissed from culpability while the darker skinned worker's are arrested on the spot then we know that racism is part of the equation in the roundup. I cannot fathom any other outcome especially since this isn't the first time race has been at the core of arrests. Why is it that only darker skinned folks are arrested while white skinned ones are not? Nothing we have heard or seen in the news has shown any Canadians, eastern/western Europeans, Russians, nor Scandinavians being rounded up anywhere in the US while we know there are many who are of the same status as these workers who were rounded up.
     The excuse of immigration violations is just that, an excuse so that the fear mongering white nationalists can have some vengeance for their simmering racism. The underbelly of our nation thrives on racism as a foundation and anything less than harming people who are not white won't be acceptable to them. This is trump's base and if we allow this to continue then we will find that our nation is being taken over by our worst human natures despite the minority they represent. All I can do is put the words out there that describe reality in our current moment and past history. I want to write about our futures but until we get the underbelly of our nation cleansed of it's racism we all of us have no real future left to consider that isn't dominated by hatred.

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