Friday, August 23, 2019

Everyday I post is like a countdown for the end of trump (#3857)

     I hadn't reached 3000 posts when trump was appointed and I seriously thought that I wouldn't reach 3000 posts because I figured we or at least many of us would be dead. For all the reasons imaginable including nuclear war. However, somehow we survived his first two years with both houses of Congress; and the last almost year with a gain for we democrats controlling the House. So the likelihood of me and many others dying from the irrational delusional trump is becoming less likely each day. Although as it becomes clear to trump that he is going to get wiped out in the November 2020 election he may become even more dangerous to us through his desperate machinations.
     I have now posted over 900 posts since the overtaking of our government by republicans and their conspirators. So when I post I am reminded that there is one less day that trump will have to create a mess as he does every day. The end of trump as a appointed leader is coming and will be final despite his illusions of just staying in office until he dies. We will forcefully remove him and then he may well spend the rest of his life in prison along with many of his family and close associates who have thus far refused to answer questions by legal and congressional authorities.
     From the day of his confirmation as an appointed president, trump has had 1461 days to complete his 4 year term. He has completed 923 of those days and has only 538 days left until the next Democratic president, democratically elected by the majority of our electorate, takes her/his oath of office. So each day I add a blog post is another day less for trump to mangle and distort our reality with his narcissism and dementia. There are few silver linings in the times we are living through now but one of them is the countdown toward his removal from office and the eventual trial of his many high crimes and misdemeanors for which a swift and hard justice awaits!

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