Saturday, August 3, 2019

Verify your voter registration is up to date (#3837)

     From now on until the election everyone who has any doubt about whether they are registered to vote needs to check and make sure. There are a lot of republican led states that are purging voters who have not voted in 2 consecutive voting years so to be safe and make sure that the greatest weapon we have to safeguard our democracy is still in each of our arsenals. The republican party is making no effort to disguise the fact that they don't want the majority of us to vote. They know that if all we Americans voted they would cease to exist as a political party.
     Yes, you read that correctly. If we all vote the republican party would be no more. the reason is that they as a political party do not represent the values and ideals of democracy and we who love democracy are still well the majority here in America. Since republicans know that they are in the minority as to being popular they are using every trick they can get away with to suppress voting by removing anyone who is even questionable from the voter registration lists and in other ways making it as difficult as possible to actually vote. they restrict voting hours and days where they have the local control to do so while also moving voting stations far from population centers where they know non republicans vote.
     So first thing for all of us to do is to make sure our names are on the voting registration rolls and then make plans to vote on the voting day as if it is our sacred duty which by the way it should be to all of us. Because one thing republicans do as consistently as anything is to vote. They may be the minority but if we the majority are not all counted we risk having the same result as in 2016 when 46.9% of us didn't bother to vote. Now all of those 46.9% of non voters were democrats but the vast majority were and that is specifically how we lost the important races of 2016. It should never happen again so we each and every one of us, the majority, need to make sure our voting right is established and then do everything in our power to make sure our votes are cast on and before November, 3rd. 2020.

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