Thursday, August 8, 2019

The desperation of trumps will only increase (#3842)

     As we head down the homestretch of trump's final and only appointed term we will see even greater injustices created by his henchmen and acolytes. They are seeing the writing on the wall that trump is done and they have to get whatever left they need to do done now before he and they are gone. Well it won't be anything legislative that is for sure so they will do all they can through executive order, the courts, and through his more often now cult gatherings. The harm that is about to come our way will be blood, fear, and tears in no particular order.
     In the past when we have had any type of president for the most part they didn't recklessly with intent try to hurt the American populace as an agenda item. But we see with trump that there is no cruelty too small or big. He has to know as well that he himself is going to be tried in the courts for so many different offenses that his strategy must include some sort of pardon that relieves him of his due punishment. Yet he is still vulnerable thus his greater desperation to survive and or continue in the presidency. What these last final months will show is his determination to harm us while working behind the scenes to steal our election again.
     But we the people are not amused nor naive to his lies and outlandish behavior. He will have a formidable enemy in we the people this time around and no amount of money will change the hearts and minds of those of us who have felt his cruelty. His time is coming and although he has some time to hurt us more he is only making more sure that come November 3rd. 2020 he is no longer protected with his ill gotten privileges of office. The transformation of our laws as to the separation of powers will be a huge agenda item once we seize control back from republicans so that never again can a manipulating conman or woman ever do to our democracy what trump has done to us.

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