Sunday, August 4, 2019

Ever vigilant (#3838)

     Not only are we needing to stay ever vigilant against the trumps and their democracy killing policies but now we need to be careful out on the streets and in public places from the fanatics trump has stirred up into deadly action. His vile race baiting rhetoric is turning into action and that must be stopped. If trump won't stop then we all must stop him. He incites to foment racial bigotry and hatred for no other purpose than to deny anyone not of the white race an equal share in our democracy. I am beyond pissed off at him and so no amount of benefit of the doubt nor mercy should he receive. The slow witted that do his bidding need to be dealt with as well.
     As the deaths keep piling up in the heap republicans have created and continue to support; the rest of us need to find our spine and do whatever is appropriate to stop this madness. At least make it stop by doing whatever it takes to make the republican lawmakers who are stopping meaningful gun legislation from happening, reverse their course. We the people are the mightiest force yes even mightier than the cruel and brutal republican party and their puppet stringed donors. If the table needs to be turned over and the chips go flying well then so be it. Enough means enough and when the republican party refuses to hear our call for enough then enough with them.
     All of us must make our choice as to what to do from this day forward. There is no time left to sit on the fence when scores of innocents are gunned down with little to no legislative action following. The republican party must be kicked out of public office but in the meantime we need to blanket them with more than enough of our sentiment and it's resolve. They must be forced to act in some way to protect our society otherwise our society will find little reason to protect them. It is a tit for tat situation whereas if they keep letting us be vulnerable then they need our boots up their asses in no kind and gentle way!

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