Saturday, January 6, 2024

(#5452) Logical factual Information is power!

      This has always been the case. Knowing the parameters of any argument is how I prepared to give a debate on any subject. I needed to know both sides of the argument so that I could be objective in my presentation whenever possible. Some arguments are always going to boil down to individual personal belief or social more perspectives but not because the facts are otherwise compromised. Knowing the logic of an argument and the truth of the facts concerning it has always been the process for determining the veracity of a conclusion to a argument/debate that is based in reality. By argument I am equating that to an honest debate.
     Once we arrive at the debate giving all we have researched about both sides of a question is what must be done. I have found that even learning both sides of a debate is sometimes still not enough insight into what my conclusion will be coming out of the presentation. There are times when a certain perspective is not considered and the outcome may come down on the wrong side of logic. Take for instance the short story by Susan Glaspell entitled "Trifles" The insight provided here changes the observation of what seemed to be a simple understanding to a much more complex and differing one.
     For the most part when objectivity is the ruling guideline, the arguments for and against a solution to a problem is most possibly ascertained. Reality and truth must be the basis of the factual evidence given. We are a curious species. We need to be strong enough to evolve our thoughts toward the evidence and not what we may personally want as a solution when that solution eliminates facts that conflict with our personal desire. Objectivity is not favoritism or bias. Objectivity is the neutral ground of beginning from a place that has no intervening preconceptions that obstruct the building of one premise upon another premise to arrive at a logical conclusion. The formula for learning current facts is based within logic and when we apply logic in its proper sequencing we all gain an insight that is devoid of subjective and arbitrary interferences.

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