Wednesday, January 10, 2024

(#5456) The seasons of our lives

      I am heading into the twilight part of my life but with the gusto of a young enthusiastic mind. The body is less than that but the mind is still as bright and shining as ever. Well, except when I forget things occasionally. lol. If things can align for me in the near future I will be changing my environment from Sacramento to the Seattle area. I want to explain because it seems counterintuitive for me to want to leave a warm climate to go to a cooler climate. However, I am not a young man anymore and the allure of being outside in the heat with bodies of water to explore is much less so.
     In the Seattle area the rain is dominant and that seems on the surface to be a less attractive feature for an older man such as myself. But I have had decades of warm weather to enjoy and now I want to enjoy cooler and wetter atmosphere. I find it easier to warm up in cooler temperatures than to cool down in hotter climates. Also the brown from drought and heat here in Sacramento is less than inspiring and becomes oppressing. I need color in my life and the greenery of western Washington is ever present. That would not necessarily be the concluding factor in deciding to change my environment so of course there is another reason.
     That reason is why I have decided to rebuild my life up north. Change is not easy especially when the change is dramatic and all encompassing like what I hope to do. Some things need to fall into place for me to actuate a move and I won't compromise on those things. I am a Karma kind of guy and doing anything that is less than positively acceptable will not happen. So other than the actual change I hope to achieve, I have made up my mind and that is always the hardest part but as well the best part. The Autumn part of the 4 seasons I have left to live is coming to a close so getting myself to my best place to live out the winter of my life is now my most important priority.

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