Monday, January 22, 2024

(#5468) Americans in a stupor about Ukraine and putin's further plans!

      For the life of me I cannot understand why Americans are not super charged about supporting the Ukrainian battle for its democracy? The bravest people on Earth right now are fighting and dying in Ukraine defending their way of life against a Russian tyrant hell bent on dominating the world. It isn't just Europe that would be next in line to fight against putin but also we Americans in our northern state of Alaska. 53 miles separates Russia from Alaska across the Bering Strait. In 1867 The America purchased Alaska from Russia, so ending the Russian foothold in North America. Do not think that putin wouldn't love to return Alaska to it's possession so that they can have a bridgehead into the American continent.
     Stopping Russia now will not only serve to end the aggressive nature of putin but most likely remove him from power. His ambitions to destabilize the world will end with a defeat in Ukraine. As an added bonus Ukraine will then become an obstructive check on any further future Russian ambitions to reach out aggressively beyond its borders. It is a win/win situation for all the world for Ukraine to defeat the Russian horde on their doorstep. Helping Ukraine achieve that goal is the most prioritized strategy in the world at this moment. We Americans who are not attuned to this yet need to wake the hell up and get our representatives to follow through on Ukrainian aid right now and not play political games with the worlds democracy at stake.
     The republican party is now the obstructing force to Ukraine being able to remove Russia from Ukrainian land. So republican voters need to shift their force of will to make their representatives align with the goal of defeating Russia now. We democrats are already supporting the brave Ukrainian society with the weapons they need to shoe horn putin's out of Ukraine and we are only waiting for republicans to join us in this critical moment. Democracy has to be protected from those who would remove freedom and liberty from our societies so every now and then when a threat to our way of life emerges we must stop what we normally do and coalesce around the ideal that democracy is our only hope for equality and the pursuit of happiness.

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