Thursday, January 25, 2024

(#5471) Life is hard so the best we can do must always come first!

      There are no guarantees in life so why aren't we using every second of it making our world a most fair and just place? Are we not aware that time within our space us limited? Do we think we are going to somehow defeat the current laws of physics? What is lacking in us that allows us to do harm without caring about the consequences? Today's post will not be warm and fuzzy instead it will be a chastining to all of us for not doing everything in our power to improve our reality for all of us. If you need evidence of the frailty of all of us just look around you and be silent in your information gathering.
     There are people is awful situations nearly at our doorsteps. There are gangster type rogues who are attacking others with weapons in order to capture their souls or end their existence. When will all of us say enough of this nightmare and coalesce around the cause of freedom and justice for all? We know the template, for the US of A has evolved a constitution that is not completed but is well on its way to being a great start. There are no excuses for any of us not to be fully engaged in making sure that our planet is a place any of us can be at in any time to admire and explore. we don't need boundaries if all of us adhere to the same principles of an inclusive society.
     For those who would stand in the way of that then let them feel the reckoning of their choice. We the many must not tolerate for one second those who would deny to anyone the pursuit of happiness as a fundamental right. If we cannot nor will not stand up for justice and the rule of law then we are the ones who make our world less and we should be ashamed of ourselves if we had the dignity human beings ascribe to themselves. Living in a cognitive dissonant mindset is not conducive to solving problems or meting out our honorable will toward the better and best of who we can be. This is a clarion call for all human beings who know that equality is the greatest byword of an admired functioning society.

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