Tuesday, January 23, 2024

(#5469) Objectivity and logic, they are what we all need!

     What is objectivity? From Google page:" lack of favoritism toward one side or another : freedom from bias..." What is logic? From Google page. "reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity." Being open to the debate argument or discussion of a set of factors relative to important events is crucial to maintaining freedom and order within enlightened society. How we approach the debate argument or discussion is crucial to how we can understand a uniform solution. We have to have to look at facts and truths with an objective eye, giving all perceptions the needed weight of their logic.
     That we need to base our objective eye toward the logic of any premise or perspective is how we are able to understand the validity of a perspective or perception. Not all premises are valid so breaking down the factors that underpin a premise is absolutely necessary. We must overall be open to objective inclusion of all perspectives and premises but those perspectives and premises must pass the test of valid logical sequencing. What we have a lot of in our societies at present are those who have power or wish to attain it using fallacious premises in their policies and statements that often go unchallenged. So each of us is required to think of the rules of logic and be open through objective analyses to discern our own understanding of truth or fiction.
     Most of us can just hear something being forwarded and know immediately whether it is correct or incorrect. Life teaches us some facts and truths that do stand the test of time. But many other somethings are less clear and more apt to being contrived at best. It is then that we must keep an open mind and evaluate based upon the rules of logic to test those somethings that are ambiguous or confusing. Let me say this here and now. It is okay to not know the answer to something, but what is not okay is to not try to know the correct answer to something. Accepting things that are difficult or controversial because it is easier that way does all of us an injustice because those things not worthy of our best should not be allowed to remain!

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