Monday, January 15, 2024

(#5461) The world is waking up to the danger in Ukraine!

      The putin led invasion of Ukraine had the world's attention at the beginning but other factors came into play that diminished that attention. But now the world seems to be catching back up with it's concern about what is still happening there nearly 2 years later. Ukraine has not stopped fighting hard for it's life and Russia has not stopped sending its troops to certain death to gain inches of land in Ukraine. Over 370,000 Russian troops have been killed in Ukraine with as many injured. Meanwhile Ukraine has lost about 50,000 troops with as many injured.
     The large disparity is because Ukraine values each troops life and does not use it's troops as cannon fodder. Whereas Russia does use it's troops as cannon fodder because they value success over human life. This has been the equation in the invasion of Ukraine for both sides. Russia has many more troops to waste in Ukraine while Ukraine is steadfast in giving its troops the best possible opportunity to keep themselves alive. So the importance of western supplies to help Ukraine integrate it's offensive and defensive strategies is paramount.
     With the obstruction by putin allies in Europe and America, Ukrainian aid is being held up so as to force Ukraine to strategize from desperation instead of strength. This can have only one intent, that being helping putin win in Ukraine. Knowing this now has been a bit of a shock to both Europe and America but the shock is wearing off and anger is following. Those who think they can undercut Ukrainian aid to service putin are going to be in for a bad conclusion. We democracy loving folks all over the world are not going to tolerate the obstruction when we can force the issue in other ways so beware putin lovers your 15 minutes of obstruction is about to end!

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