Friday, January 19, 2024

(#5465) Women are better at "keeping on the good foot"

      Keeping on the good foot is an old saying from my generation about doing the correct thing. So no matter what it is in life we must always direct ourselves toward what is honorable and respectful. I did not always heed this advice of mine for many parts of my life but at my later stages of life I have. I, like most, found that keeping my good foot forward often was not in my best selfish interest. So instead of doing the correct thing I often did what I wanted instead, regardless of outcome. True selfishness is like that, devoid of esteemed character and honor.
     Well those selfish days of mine are far behind me and for that I am thankful. But an analysis of why it took me so long to realize the detriment that selfishness causes is what is on my mind today. I persistently say that generally women should rule the world instead of we men and it is in relation to why I found myself so selfish for far too long in my estimation. It is because women are the main caregivers to the children of the world and must learn early on that selfishness is not a characteristic that is helpful in raising children correctly. Women learn early on that enduring the sacrifices in life is preferable to leaving their children without what they need.
     Women are the first to keep on the good foot because the motherly instinct that inhabits most women demands it. We men on the other hand are not adjusted to sacrifice in many ways because our egos are such that we have to have control even when we are not good at it. What many of us men learn however is that giving in to sacrifice as needed regardless of our own desires and needs is how we become more like the example our world needs of men. We learn eventually like I did that doing the correct thing in every moment we can is exactly what we need from those who would lead us. Women are much more attuned to lead because they understand at a much earlier age that making sacrifices for the good of all is less about ego and more about community.

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