Sunday, January 28, 2024

(#5474) No member of the working middle poor class should ever vote for a republican!

     There have to be at least 120 million registered voters who comprise the working middle poor class. So doing the math we would be by a far and wide margin the sole drivers of policy in our nation. Yet we see that isn't the case. Due to some misplaced loyalty or fear or propaganda we seem to be a group divided among ourselves enough to allow support for republicans to halt our otherwise solid agenda of correcting our society and making life better for this huge class of people. The democrats offer the greatest choice for our group. There is no other major political party that is even close. What we could accomplish for our society is so significant that just pondering the idea makes me smile with a pride yet ever felt within me.
     But we are in times of confusion and chaos and those who cannot see the uniting force we would be for all members of our group are the ones holding us back. The greatest achievements for our nation and the world are at our fingertips especially when November 5, 2024 arrives. In the meantime we need to figure out how to get all of us on the same page to create a dynamic government that serves the working middle poor class. Now the wealthy will be fine as to their ability to function and work within capitalism to envision new opportunities and to create and spread their vast wealth to those who help them create it. So it really is a win/win situation for the working middle poor class to galvanize within the democratic party and elect all democrats to Congress and the state houses.
     We the working middle poor class have always had the power over who directs our government. But now we all must find it within ourselves to understand this power. We all need to be political when it comes to elections and serve the best of who we are as a nation. Making life easier and much more accessible for pursuing our happiness is our main goal. We have to visualize what is important in life and then help that along through equality, freedom, liberty, and happiness. Our democracy is the perfect vehicle for us to accomplish our goals. I wish all of us in America and the world the best of life in our communities and pursuits. All we the working middle poor class want is a real shot at building a life that is less encumbered by those who would not allow us our own personal dreams and wishes.

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