Monday, January 29, 2024

(#5475) The European Union is about to break in favor of giving Ukraine military aid

      In a couple of days the European Union will be voting on a military aid package for Ukraine that is now expected to pass. The 54 billion allocated will help the Ukrainians tremendously for the near future but the aid package from the United States valued at 61 billion is still sorely needed for Ukraine to go on the offensive and push Russia out of its territories. President Biden and democrats are working tirelessly to get movement from House republicans who are the narrow current majority party in the House and determine which bills will be brought up for votes. These intransigent republicans are currently being held in check by the republican front runner in the 2024 election as to Ukraine aid.
     With more added pressure from private citizens and power brokers in Washington it is hoped that a final passage of a Senate bill addressiung Ukrainian aid will get a vote in the House and be ready for implementing after a Biden signature. All the while Ukraine is in dire need of armaments to thwart current overwhelming Russian attacks. This really is a life or death moment and the republican party is the one wild card that is threatening Ukraine's very ability to exist. It is a very terrible situation that America finds itself in as the fledgling democracy is being attacked by a dictator while republicans play games with Ukraine's survival.
     In a better world this lack of resolve on the part of republicans to aid a democratic partner country would be all it would take to vote everyone of them out of office. Yet we know that even more heinous acts by republicans go unpunished. Striking down Roe v. Wade and lessening the rights of women being just one among many. For all the harm the republican party does I hope that the American electorate finally comes out of it's stupor and gives republicans their punishing deserves. No political party in the history of our time has ever been so callous to the vast majority of Americans but have yet found a way to disguise and confuse their base voters about it. Well those who are not their base have a chance to inflict some real justice on republicans this coming November. In the meantime I hope Ukraine can make do without American aid if President Biden and democrats can't budge republicans from their unethical stance.

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