Saturday, January 13, 2024

(#5459) Rising above our fears

      Nothing in this existence is worth having if it requires us to fear it. The best of what we can have will always be free from fear. I say this from experience and some logical conclusions. If whatever it is has a factor of fear, it is not worth having. I am of the mindset that being happy, good, and having as much fun as reasonably possible are the real values in life and none of them require any fear to hold onto. I could end this blog post here because I have said what I wanted to say but I will elaborate further so that I am perfectly clear in my reasoning.
     I have sought things in my life that I thought needed to be exciting and even somewhat dangerous as a baseline for surrounding myself with. Only to discover that was not who I was within me. As much as a thrill it may provide it is not lasting. I need comfortable and secure as the ends of my spectrum, not out of control spontaneity and come what may. I am older now and can distinguish between the metamorphosis that has occurred within the evolution of my time/space in existence. All that to say is I have stopped pushing the envelope on many paradigms. What it also means is that fear is not, I repeat not, where I live. I have natural alert defense mechanisms but only because of outside interference, not the making of my own.
     What we will eventually all find out if we don't already know is that life is neither guaranteed nor of a long duration. In fact if we survive our youthful learnings we all discover that life is over sooner than we suspected. So living to the best of what a human being can become is wise and enjoyable. I have no time left for fools nor fears so finding a path forward that utilizes the very best outlook and hope is of the highest priority. None of us should have to live in fear and we must all find it within ourselves to rid the fears that would keep us from our pursuit of happiness. Boldly facing our fears is what we all need to do so that we can conquer them when they attempt to rise up and interrupt our paths forward.

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