Wednesday, January 31, 2024

(#5477) Unlike republicans, democratic President Joe Biden is helping Ukraine find weapons to protect their democracy

      I will always consider the treachery that republicans are displaying against the freedom fighting democracy protecting Ukrainians as a massive fail to understand that democracy is sacred. What Ukrainians are doing in Ukraine to protect themselves from the enslavement of the tyrant putin and his autocratic regime is amazing despite the back stabbing that republicans are committing to them. Our nation promised Ukraine that we would help them stave off Russian aggression to end their democracy and all republicans have done is renig on that promise when it is most needed. The worst kind of betrayal when the stakes are life and death.
     I have spent my life pointing out how republicans are not who they propagandize themselves as. Instead they are the worst of what democracy stands for. So why are so many republican voters unable to see that? Because unfortunately too many American voters are single minded about their own success in life and do not ascribe to the melting pot theory that our relatively new nation of mostly all immigrants is about. All of us not just about some of us. That kind of privilege and deserves is more in kind with tyrants who would as a rule take from all and give to a few. We Americans have lost our way when it comes to freedom and liberty. We only want it for ourselves and don't understand that freedom and liberty only works for ourselves if all are included.
     So as the confusion of republican voters continues to thwart real democratic advances for Ukraine the tyrant putin gains from it. So it is easy to see why so many accuse republicans of helping putin defeat democracy. There is no middle ground here. You are either for protecting democracy or you are not! The republican party is in the not column. Unless of course they change their opposition to helping Ukraine. Until that possibility is considered and implemented the fact that it is only democrats who are fighting to keep democracy alive is undisputed. Which political party will you follow? The democratic party that protects democracy or the republican party that by omission supports tyrannical rule?

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